Choy's Kitchen

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Hash Brown - Crispy! Easy!

We love those crispy hash brown from McDonald's - one of those "must-have' breakfast item. Let's make some at home but how to get them crispy without deep frying? The trick is in washing the starch from the potatoes and getting the potatoes very very dry. Follow this recipe closely and the hash brown will be golden brown and very crispy.  Mmmm.

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  • Potatoes (8-10 small ones or a few large ones)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • Dash of black pepper

  • 1 Tbsp oil

  • A knob of butter (10 gm)


1. Peel the potatoes and use a vegetable slicer to shred the potatoes into fine strips. Care: mind your fingers - don't shred till the end. The end bits can be easily chopped up.

2. Put all the shredded  potatoes into a large mixing bowl and add water. Stir the potatoes and strain off the starchy water. Do this 4 times until the water is clear. You could also run the potatoes in a sieve under a tap until the water runs clear.

3. Use paper towel or a clean dish towel to squeeze the water from the potatoes. This is an important step. The potatoes should be very very dry before attempting the next step.

4. Add 1 tsp of salt & lots of black pepper. Mix well.

5. Heat a flat non-stick pan with a tablespoon of oil. When oil is smoking, place all the dry potatoes onto the pan to form a disc. Flatten with a spatula and neaten the edges of the disc.

6. Let the potatoes cook in Low heat for 15 mins. Do not touch the potatoes in the meanwhile.

7. After 15 mins, shake the pan to loosen the disc. Flip disc over to a plate.

8. Slide the disc back onto the pan and let it cook at Low for another 15 mins. without touching it.

9. After 15 mins, drop the knob of butter onto the pan and swirl the melted butter around, lifting the disc slightly to allow the butter to seep through the bottom. Shake the pan to loosen the disc of hash brown.

10. Turn the heat to high for 30 secs before turning the heat off.

  • 11. Slide the hash brown to a plate before flipping it over. The hash brown should be golden brown by then.