Choy's Kitchen

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Roasted Duck Legs with Potatoes

Duck is one of our favourite meats - we like the gamey taste of duck meat and duck skin (when roasted) is so crispy and flavoursome. Roasting duck legs at home is not as daunting as I first thought and the potatoes roasted in the duck fat is extra crispy and tasty.  So here's my recipe - Roasted Duck Legs with Potatoes. Hope you like it too.


  • 2 duck legs

  • 1 teaspoon sichuan pepper powder

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper powder

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 sprigs of rosemary

  • 2 potatoes (cubed)


1. Prick duck legs with a fork. Marinade the duck legs with a mixture of sichuan pepper, black pepper & salt for a minimum of an hour, preferably overnight.

2. Place marinaded duck legs into a pan and sear the duck legs in their own fat till golden brown.

3. Place seared duck legs and fat in a roasting dish together with the cubed potatoes and sprigs of rosemary. Sprinkle some salt & black pepper over the potatoes and give the potatoes a stir to ensure they are well coated with duck fat. Discard any excess duck fat.

4.  Place the roasting dish in a hot oven (180ºC fan-forced) for 30 minutes. Turn the duck legs and potatoes a couple of times through the roasting process. The duck leg is cooked when its inner temperature reaches 75ºC.

5. Rest the duck legs for 10 mins before serving with your favourite salad.